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Advantages of the LV Advanced Monitoring Solutions

The transformation of traditional electrical grids into Smart Grids is a real and current need. These smart grids ensure a more sustainable and efficient future, where advanced low voltage monitoring is a key element.


Advanced Low Voltage Monitoring: Key to Efficiency

Advanced low voltage monitoring offers multiple benefits for utility companies, such as real-time network status monitoring, detecting electrical fraud, identifying anomalies, preventing network failures or overloads, and optimizing power supply, among many other advantages.


In this specific case, we show a low voltage distribution switchboard from Pronutec installed in a transformer substation. It includes fixed equipment for the advanced low voltage monitoring.

What are the advantages of advanced monitoring?

The advanced monitoring and supervision solutions in distribution networks helps utility companies manage their networks more effectively and efficiently. Here are some of the main advantages:


Fraud Detection: the analysis of data provided by advanced monitoring equipment with data analytics tools makes it possible to detect and act against illegal connections to the network.


Reduction of Energy Losses and Economic Savings: early detection of overloads and network anomalies minimizes energy losses in the network, resulting in significant economic savings.


Improvement of Supply Quality: continuous network monitoring allows detecting harmonics, transients, and other issues that affect the quality of the power supply.


Maintenance Optimization: data analytics provides valuable information for planning predictive maintenance of networks, avoiding costly breakdowns and extending the service life of the devices and the electrical infrastructure.


Integration of Renewable Energies: advanced monitoring facilitates the integration of self-consumption renewable energy installations.


Integration of Electric Vehicle Loads: network monitoring and supervision allow planning the management of electrical demand in scenarios of massive electric vehicle charging.

Low Voltage Monitoring Solutions for Smart Grids

This specific switchboard includes the following fixed advanced network monitoring equipment, which, along with the range of portable equipment, are part of the global Smart Grids solution developed by Pronutec, Merytronic, and Ariadna.


Hardware Monitoring Solutions:

Distribution Switchboard: it contains fuse switches with integrated measurement and electronics for network monitoring. In this case, the advanced line supervisor is located at the bottom of each base.


Line Advanced Supervisor: each fuse switch includes a card that processes all electrical parameters per line, such as phase voltage, phase current, and calculated neutral current, etc. Each module has two RJ45 connectors that allow building a data bus and communicating with the LV Edge Node.


LV Edge Node: it is the main element of advanced low voltage monitoring in the transformer substation. Its main functions are storing data from line meters and communicating with the software platform via XML-Web Services reports or Modbus TCP/IEC 60870-5-104/DNP3.0.


Pronutec low voltage switchboard wiht low voltage advanced monitoring equipment.


Advanced Low Voltage Network Analytics Software Platform:

All information collected through the monitoring equipment is sent from the LV Edge Node to an advanced applied analytics platform.

The Ariadna Smart IoT platform, developed by our technology partner Ariadna, is an advanced solution for the global management of the Low Voltage network, with a 360-degree view, it incorporates all the necessary elements to monitor Low Voltage grids in a single platform, supporting network management, supervision, maintenance, and planning operations.

Ariadna Smart IoT Platform


From Pronutec, Merytronic, and Ariadna Grid, we offer a wide range of solutions for low voltage network monitoring and supervision, distinguishing between fixed equipment, and portable equipment that can be installed in any type of low voltage panel, regardless of the type of fuse switches they contain (fuse switches or circuit breakers) or the age of the panel.


We tailor our solutions according to the needs of each client. Get more information about our Global Smart Grids Solutions! Contact us!

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