
The aim of the UNESA LV switchboard is to split the LV supply from the distribution transformer into several independent feeders by means of fuse switches BTVC TRIVER+. The incoming connection is designed for 4 cables of 240 mm2 per phase and 3 cables of 240 mm2 for the neutral.

The main parts of the UNESA LV Switchboards are:

  • Incoming and distribution
  • Main disconnection
  • Auxiliary circuits
  • Feeders – BTVC TRIVER+


Rated voltage 440 V
Rated current 1600 A
Operation Cut out plates
3P+N load break switch
Number of outgoings 4
Type of outgoings BTVC TRIVER+
Standard UNE-EN 61439-1
UNE-EN 61439-5
Rated insulation voltage Fase-Masa* 10 kV
Fase-Fase 2,5 kV
Rated impulse withstand voltage Fase-Masa* 20 kV
Rated short-time current (1s) Valor eficaz 12 kA
Valor de cresta 30 kA
Self-extinguishing materials UNE EN 60 695-11-10
UNE EN 60 085
Protection degree
IP2X UNE-EN 20324
IK08 UNE-EN 50102

* Se considera masa, una lámina metálica en contacto y cubriendo toda la parte exterior frontal del CBT unida a las partes metálicas del CBT.

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