
Fuse switch disconnectors for DC

LV fuse switch disconnectors type NHC, for DC 1000V up to 250 A.

All the thermoplastic components have V-O flammability class materials.


Size: NH 1/2

Current: 160/250 A


Size: NH 00

Current: 160 A


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MRT-700 FF

Fault pinpointing on cables and pipes


The MRT-700 (*) device has the functionality of Fault pinpointing on cables and pipes. These faults are caused by the deterioration of the coating on the pipe and damage in the cable isolation, whereby the metal part of the cables and pipes may come into contact with the ground.

By combining the MRT-700 device with the A-frame connected to the receiver, it is possible to identify and locate the exact point of the faults. A special frequency – 8KFF – (Fault Locating Frequency) is injected to perform this detection work. High accuracy (<5 cm)

The MRT-700 allows simultaneous cable route tracing and fault pinpointing.

(*) MRT-700 device must be ordered with integrated Fault Detection Functionality.


Main Features

  • MRT-700TX, generation of a special 8KFF frequency.
  • MRT-700RX:
    • Developed for fault frequency detection
    • 2 display modes: Basic and Advanced (Dual)
    • Connector for A-frame
  • A-frame:
    • Sensor for fault detection
    • Robust A-frame with 2 pins for measuring voltage drop to earth




The MRT-700, with fault pinpointing functionality, can be ordered with the following extras:



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1 pole fuse bases for DC

1 Pole fuse bases specially designed and tested for DC photovoltaic applications with gPV fuses up to 1500 V DC.

Size: NH 1, NH 2, NH 1XL, NH 2XL, NH 3L, NH 2XL-3L
Current: 160/200/250/400/450/630 A


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GridGIS D-twin

GridGIS D-twin, app for LV network digitalisation


For an efficient management of distribution networks, it is essential to have an accurate and up-to-date knowledge of the low-voltage network topology.

The GridGIS D-twin digitising app is specially developed for field work with the ILF G2 | ILF G2 Pro  devices(new versions of the Ariadna ILF 12).

Developed by Ariadna Grid (our technical partner), it automatically stores the results of the correspondence between the meter and the Secondary Substation, with the feeder and phase number to which it is connected.

Through this application the data capture is displayed on a map of the work area, quickly and easily.

Main Features


  • Secondary Substation (SS) asset register: SS identifier, transformer, LV panel, feeder numbers, type of MV and LV cables, MV switchgear, etc.
  • Recording of the device configuration: Central Unit code, correspondence between feeder number and Rogowski sensor input number…
  • Topology/CONNECTIVITY: loging of the energy meter identification with the Line Unit: Secondary Substation – feeder – phase + date – time + operator.
  • Photo of each identified asset
  • GPS geolocalization  of each identified asset: SS, meter boxes, pole, meter…
  • Track work progress
  • Bluetooth connection
  • Export/Import in files compatible with GIS tools: GeoJSON, KMZ and Shapefile
  • Data integration with the utility’s GIS system


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ILF G2 Pro

Phase and feeder identifier

Advanced version of the ILF G2 device, specially designed for big mapping and digitising campaigns of the distribution network, helping to reduce the duration of the campaign and providing great cost savings.

Thanks to its digitisation app GridGIS D-twin (developed by Ariadna Grid), the ILF G2Pro is able to add, edit and store over the same map, the location and connection of all consumers in the Low Voltage distribution network. It identifies and digitises, with total reliability, to which Secondary Substation, Low Voltage panel, outgoing feeder and phase each of the meters/consumers in the network are connected.

Main features

Features added to the ILF G2

  • Identification of the 3 phases and up to 12 feeders of a LV panel, possibility of having several devices in parallel if there are more feeders.
  • In live networks.
  • Designed for big network mapping campaigns, up to 99 devices can work at the same time.
  • Adapted to different types of distribution networks: cascade or/and in parallel mode, allowing to know the connectivity of the consumer with respect to each intermediate element of the distribution network (feeder pillars).
  • Integrated Bluetooth for automatic data transfer to the digitisation app (compatible with GIS systems).
  • GridGIS D-twin digitising app licence included.


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NH 00 | 160 A | 100 mm

Vertical three pole fuse switches for fuses NH00 size.

  • Distance between busbars 100 mm.
  • Rated operational current up to 160 A.
  • Rated operational voltage up to 690 Vac.

Depending on the required protection degree, Pronutec offers non-insulated (BTVA) or fully insulated IP20 fuse rails (BTVA-P).

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