
Genset connection options CUMA 21

Opciones conexión grupo electrógeno CUMA 21

The Compact Integrated Disconnector that we use as incoming connection to a panel allows connecting a Genset. This disconnector may include 2 or 4 240 mm2 cables.


The Genset Power Connector (GPC) has been specifically designed to provide a compact and safe method of connecting gensets to LV distribution panels in the event of a short circuit.
This new product allows for quick and safe operation.
Connections are compatible with 185 mm busbar systems, making the GPC an ideal solution for on-site installations and supplying up to 2.000 A.


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NH 00 | 160 A | 100 mm

Vertical three pole fuse switches for fuses NH00 size.

  • Distance between busbars 100 mm.
  • Rated operational current up to 160 A.
  • Rated operational voltage up to 690 Vac.

Depending on the type of model, this range of fuse switches offers the option of one pole disconnection, allowing individual disconnection of each phase or the three pole disconnection, disconnecting all three phases simultaneously.

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ETI – Neozed

D0 fuse-links are used as the most reliable protection of electrical installation, control and signal circuits against overload and short-circuit currents. The whole system D0 contains a complete range of three physical sizes D01, D02 and D03 fuse-links, standard ceramic and new plastic bases, fuse disconnectors and all necessary accessories.

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ETI – Diazed

D fuse-links for use by unskilled persons for domestic and similar applications are used as the most reliable protection of electrical installation, control, and signal circuits against overload and short-circuit currents. The whole system D contains a complete range of five physical sizes DI, DII, DIII, DIV, and DV fuse-links, standard ceramic and new plastic fuse bases, and all necessary accessories.

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ETI – Cylindrial fuses and fuse bases

Pronutec includes in its range of ETI cylindrical fuses and fuse bases for cylindrical fuses.

Cylindrical fuse-links are used as the most secure protection of electrical installations, control, and signal circuits against overloads and short circuit currents. Their dimensions comply with IEC 60269-1 and IEC 60269-2-1. They are used mainly in industrial areas since their dimensions allow voltages of up to 690 V.

The most common sizes are the following four: 8×32, 10×38, 14×51, and 22×58.

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