
ETI – Cylindrial fuses and fuse bases

Pronutec includes in its range of ETI cylindrical fuses and fuse bases for cylindrical fuses.

Cylindrical fuse-links are used as the most secure protection of electrical installations, control, and signal circuits against overloads and short circuit currents. Their dimensions comply with IEC 60269-1 and IEC 60269-2-1. They are used mainly in industrial areas since their dimensions allow voltages of up to 690 V.

The most common sizes are the following four: 8×32, 10×38, 14×51, and 22×58.

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Ariadna CI

Energized MV cable identification

It works by sinking energy from a live network, by connecting a load at the LV side of an MV/LV transformer, and detecting the current that is produced at he MV side of the transformer.
The Ariadna CI-TX unit acts as the signal transmitter that sinks energy from the electric grid, producing coded current pulses, and the Ariadna CI-RX unit as the digitally tuned receiver that detects them.

Energized LV cable identification

In a similar way to MV live cable identification, it is possible to identify LV energized cables by sinking current from the network.
CI-TX transmitter is connected at the end side of the LV cable to be identified. When turned on, it starts to sink current pulses from the network, and these pulses flow from the point of injection to the LV transformer that feeds it.
With the CI-RX unit it is possible to identify LV cable path in any accessible places, like manholes, busbars, etc.

De-energized MV & LV cable identification

Through polarized frequency signal injection and detection, it is posible to positively identify de-energized cables.
Unlike live cable identification, the needed energy for generating identification signals come from Ariadna CI-TX´s rechargeable Li-Ion battery, instead of coming from the grid.
Two ways are available for injecting signals on cables, through direct connection or by using a toroidal inductive clamp.
Afterwards cables are identified by measuring produced signal´s amplitude and polarity.


Dimensiones / Dimensions (mm) 315 x 255 x 150 120 x 220 x 65
Peso / Weight (kg) 3 0,75
Grado de estanqueidad / Protection degree IP65 IP54
Pantalla / Display Monocromo 160 x 100
Monochrome 160 x 100
Color TFT 240 x 400
Batería recargable / Rechargeable battery 8.4 V 6.6 Ah Li-ion 4 x 1,5 V AA
Entrada del cargador de batería Battery charger input 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Salida del cargador de batería Battery charger output 12 VDC 2 A
Cargador de batería para coche Car lighter charger Sí / Yes
Temperatura de funcionamiento Operating Temperature (ºC) -10 a 55 / -10 to 55


Cables con tensión / Energized Cables
Tipo de señal Signal type Pulsos de corriente Current pulses Análisis de señal activa (del TX) Active signal analysis (from TX) Amplitud y polaridad Amplitude and polarity
Amplitud de la señal inyectada Injected signal amplitude 160/80 A de pico 160/80 A peak Medición de la corriente pasiva
Passive current measurement
50/60 Hz RMS
50/60 Hz RMS
Máx. voltaje de la red Max. network voltage 480 Vac (F-F)
300 Vac (F-N)
Máx. corriente de la red (50/60 Hz)
Max. network current (50/60 Hz)
1800 A
Tiempo de funcionamiento Operation time >24 h Longitud máxima de cable Maximum cable length >10 km


Cables sin tensión / Energized Cables
Tipo de señal Signal type Frecuencia de corriente Current frequency Análisis de señal activa (del TX) Active signal analysis (from TX) Amplitud y polaridad Amplitude and polarity
Potencia de la señal activa Active signal power 10 W Longitud máxima de cable Maximum cable length >20 km
Tiempo de funcionamiento (trabajando al nivel 2) Operation time (level 2) >24 h Máx. resistencia del bucle Max. loop resistance 1000 Ω

* Specifications subject to change without notice.

Ariadna CI detects medium and low-voltage cables (energized or de-energized), and complies with the following safety standards:
– Electromagnetic compatibility: EN 61000-6-3, EN 61000-6-2.
– Electrical safety: EN 61010-1 CAT IV 300 V. Protection against electric shock. Class II.


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Ariadna IC2G

LV Energised Cable Identifier

There are many situations in which it is necessary to quickly and accurately identify live Low Voltage (LV) cables, for example, when opening a trench, making a branch in a line, before carrying out some maintenance tasks, when making a new connection, …

Merytronic has developed the Ariadna IC2G, an ultra-portable Cable identifier device which is used for positive cable identification, in Low Voltage cables.

The device consists of a transmitter (IC2G-TX) and a receiver (IC2G-RX). Its use is simple: the transmitter (TX) is connected to an LV cable and the receiver (RX) is used to identify or locate that cable upstream, towards the MV/LV transformer.


T SENSOR FOR pre-location of the cable

In maintenance tasks in LV networks, it may be necessary to know the route of electric cables.

Merytronic has developed a solution that allows a pre-location of the cable route with voltage upstream, in a quick and easy way, by simply connecting a T-sensor to the IC2G device.

  • In Low Voltage Active networks
  • Pre-location of the cable without cutting the power supply
  • From any register point


  • Positive cable identification without de-energising the network
  • Works on LOW VOLTAGE distribution cables up to 250 V (50-60 Hz)
  • Sensor Rogowski: identifies cables by placing the sensor around the cable
  • U” sensor: identifies conductors by touching the cable
  • Single-phase and three-phase cables
  • Fast identification, achieved in seconds
  • Simple operation due to automatic synchronisation between transmitter and receiver
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Underground cable and pipe locator and tracer


The MRT-700 device is an underground cable and pipe locator, which makes it possible to trace distribution networks quickly, easily and accurately.

  • Energised Cables
  • De-energised Cables
  • Low Voltage, Medium Voltage and High Voltage Lines
  • Metallic and non-metallic pipelines

Additionally, interesting functionalities have been incorporated  that are really helpfull for contractors, maintenance departments, civil works, GIS, etc.,which allow the tracer to be converted into a cable identifier, fault locator or even digitize the underground network itself.


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Phase and feeder identifier


The ILF G2 device, phase and feeder identifier, makes it possible to identify in a few seconds and with total reliability, to which Secondary Substation, Low Voltage panel, feeder output and phase each of the meters/subscribers of the Low Voltage electric grid are connected.

This information package is known as meter topology. The electric utilities knowledge of the topology of its subscribers is crucial for the correct management of its distribution networks.

In addition to determining the topology of the meters, intermediate elements of the network can also be identified.

The identification is carried out with the network in service, for any type of network: ringed, star, with/without neutral, triangle, etc.

The device consists of a CD – central unit that is installed in the Secondary Substation and a UL – line device that will be carried by the operator where the topology package is displayed. It is possible for several operators to work at the same time under the same CD, each with their own UL.

There is an advanced version of the device, the ILF G2 Pro. It is specially designed for large network mapping campaigns.

This new generation of identifiers allows to digitise the results obtained directly from the field. Thanks to the  app GridGIS D-twin  (developed by Ariadna Grid), which is sold as an option, the location and connection of all the identified points of the Low Voltage distribution network can be added, edited and stored on the same map.

Main Features

  • Operation with the network in service, without de-energised.
  • Identification of the 3 phases and up to 12 feeders of a LV panel.
  • Identification in a few seconds, 100% reliability.
  • Proven efficiency over distances > 1 km
  • Suitable for any Low Voltage network configuration, up to 480 Vac between phases (50-60 Hz): Delta, Star (without neutral), coupled or ringed networks…
  • Designed to work in several Secondary Substations simultaneously.
  • GridGIS D-twin digitising App (optional)
  • Integrated Bluetooth for data transfer
  • Easy to use and configure


Others functionalities

  • Identifying the neutral

    In maintenance tasks that involve disconnecting the neutral, such as, replacement Low Voltage panels, unfold feeders… A wrong identification of the neutral can have serious consequences like: imbalances between phases, overvoltage, errors when quantifying technical-losses, dangeous for people and devices (electrical safety), economic sanctions…

The ILF G2 device allows to identify the correct Neutral, in a quick and reliable way, avoiding connection/disconnection errors and improving safety. ILF G2 Pro is suitable for more than 6 lines. See document in download section.


  • Cable identification

    A solution that improves electrical safety in LV energised cable handling procedures. Adding the IC2G Rx device to the ILF G2 – UL provides a Cable Identifier. A quick and easy way to have two devices in one. See document in download section.

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SIC – Integrated Compact Disconnector

Low Voltage device designed to isolate the incoming of the transformer from the LV panel outgoings. The single pole design allows different options of arrangements. The operation is manual. The Integrated Compact Disconnector includes the following addtional fuctions:

  • Additional available functions in the SIC:
  • Voltage checking.
  • Auxiliary power supply input.
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