CBTR Indoor frame mounted LV Panel

CBTR Indoor frame mounted LV Panel


Indoor frame mounted LV Panel (CBTR) is used to distribute the LV supply from the distribution transformer into several independent feeders by means of fuse switches BTVC TRIVER+. The main parts of these frame mounted LV panels are: busbars, feeders BTVC TRIVER+ and auxiliary circuits.

Two or more frame mounted LV panels can be connected together in order to increase the number of outgoings.


Rated voltage  440 V
Rated current 1600 A
Number of outgoings 2 / 3 / 4
Type of outgoings BTVC TRIVER+
Standard UNE-EN 61439-1
Rated insulation voltage Phase-Ground* 10 kV
Phase-Phase 2,5 kV
Rated impulse withstand voltage Phase-Ground* 20 kV
Rated short-time current (1s) Rated short-time withstand current 12 kA
Rated peak withstand current 30 kA
Self-extinguishing materials UNE EN 60 695-11-10
UNE EN 60 085
Protection degree
IP2X UNE-EN 20324
IK08 UNE-EN 50102

* Se considera masa, una lámina metálica en contacto y cubriendo toda la parte exterior frontal del CBT unida a las partes metálicas del CBT.

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