Smart grids

Smart grids


The low-voltage distribution network is undergoing a profound transformation spurred on by the incorporation of new players such as distributed renewable generation, electric vehicles, distributed storage batteries, microgrids, ‘smart meters’…


At Pronutec, in collaboration with Merytronic and Ariadna Grid, we provide comprehensive responses to the needs of new smart grids thanks to our global monitoring system. A complete range of products to meet the challenges of advanced LV supervision:


  • Decarbonization
  • Efficient demand management
  • Reduction of technical losses and cases of fraud
  • Improved network availability


Thanks to technological advances and the development of solutions that allow instant monitoring of the LV network, progress has been made towards a more efficient and sustainable use of energy, while guaranteeing greater quality and reliability of the electricity supply. As leaders in advanced solutions for the protection and distribution of the low-voltage electrical network, at Pronutec we are at the forefront to provide global responses to utilities and industries.


Together with Merytronic and Ariadna Grid, we have developed a complete solution for remote network monitoring and data analysis. The product range includes:

  1. Bases portafusibles inteligentes
  2. Remota de baja tensión
  3. Plataforma Ariadna IoT
  4. LVS
  5. Live Retrofit Supervisor

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